Friday, June 17, 2011

Engine Core Rebuild.

Changes being implemented.
Removing anything XNA I was having to many issues with it and really wanted to take advantage
of shader model 4 which XNA was not allowing me to do.

Unfair Render/Update methods.
I am making this important change because XNA operates on a 1:1 ratio of update and then render.
I don't really like this because would like to have an update method that can do some actual thinking without causing jitters.
I also see positive benefits for networking and GameStratergies.
That's all for now I obviously have much to do.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Core Updates.

Whilst working on the BadKid Game Engine I have made some changes to the Core Library.I hate working in radians so I have stated to introduce Units of Measure.
for example you can write
var z = Maths.TwoPi.ToTau(Angle.Radian);      // 1 cycle.
The Angle.Radian can be ommitied as it already the default parameter but be carefull the functions do not know the uom you are working with. they are assumed.

Easy setting of display modes. in BadKid GameEngine.
The base constructor is now as follows

public GameEngine(int width = Preferences.DefaultScreenWidth,
       int height = Preferences.DefaultScreenHeight,
       bool fullscreen = Preferences.DefaultToFullScreen)

So all you have to do is create a constructor such as
public MyGame():base(320,200){
Alternativly you can set the DisplayMode using and Display mode available in the DisplayModes enumeration.
DisplayMode = DisplayModes.First();